

All my life I've had this secret dream
That one day I'd be able to come to you
And say "look, see the success I've become."
And you'd look at me with tears in your eyes
And tell me that you're proud of me.
That I'm not a failure.
That I'm not such a disappointment
To you.

What you said to me still haunts the
Hell out of me.
Throwing those words out there that
You can't take back
And you walked away with my heart
Stuck to the bottom of your shoe

It will take time
But I'll get there...
I'll find a way to make my
Life into something.
And when I do
Don't bother with the words
I know I'll never hear from you.
They won't mean a thing to me

Not anymore.

Where Does It Go?

Where do dreams go
When they don't come to fruitiion?
Do they stay teathered to you
Like demon's that haunt you
In the night...

They claw at me like
A rabid beast
Alive inside me trying
To tear me into
Even more pieces
Than I already hold

I've never been very good
At puzzles... and I...
The glue isn't holding me
Together anymore...