
A Little Religion...

I have no faith
I have nothing here inside
I have nothing guiding my steps or
Working behind the scene's to fix
All that I worked so hard to
Fuck up in the first place.

Somedays, I sit here and ask myself
How is it that you are right in your belief
And I am so wrong?
If you are the poster child
For Christianity today,
Count me out.

For someone that is so in touch with the Lord,
You single handedly destroyed any faith I had in me.
With your overzealous criticizm's in the name of
Yet another broken soul.

I will never understand you.
You never wanted me to be a part of his life
For me...You've killed not one father...
But two.

1 comment:

  1. a tiny ballerina dancing on her toes, a daddy who left her..why, only he knows. a small girl lonely without her dad...a small girl who's lost he acted like he never had. life without him has taken it's toll, she tries to be a mommy from a daddy she did not know. how does a person find from within something that a parent decided to make a sin? she looks for his love in different places but when she looks at the man she sees the wrong faces. when will this hole heal, when will it ease, only the girl knows...please end it please...
