
Couldn't I?

I could be a real bitch here.
I could really unleash
What's been building up
Inside of me
Since you left.
You're just like the last one
Just like little toy soldiers
You all line up to march
Out of my life
I could compare you two so closely
Cowards, the both of you
So much similarity
So much so that I could laugh
Same complaints
"You're impossible to live with"
"I didn't leave the kids, I left you"
"I don't care what you think I never have"
Sitting there trying to act tough
Like anything you say is going to hurt me
My reply
"You were no ball of sunshine yourself"
"You left, that's all they see regardless of how
You'd like to rationalize your selfishness"
"And now I no longer care about your thoughts,
Your wants, your dictates. You no longer have power
Over me"
But for one moment, if you're thinking
That I'm going to make any of this even
Remotely easy for you
You're sadly mistaken.
You've decided that your freedom
Is more important than being
A real man.
One who sticks through the tough times
Willing to work to make it worth the effort
Willing to keep a real home for your child
Willing to live up to all the lies
That dripped from your lips like
The bullshit it turned out to be.
You had us all fooled.
Not just the three of us, but all those I love.
The people that treated you like more of a
Son than your own loved ones.
The people who are hurting right along
With we three
But your freedom was more important
The alcohol must have cleared it all up for you
Hanging with your unattached buddies must have
Made the path ahead of you look so much clearer
I could really be a bitch about this
Couldn't I?

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