I'm so tired...
Tired of losing those I love
Tired of being misunderstood.
Tired of it all.
He was so good to me
He'd call and shoot the shit
With me and we seemed to
I can't seem to stop thinking of him.
Especially when the phone rings and
It's not him on the line.
The pain, the agony he faced daily
And he'd laugh.
He'd find joy in his family
Years of pain never seemed to dull
The spirit of the man.
I wasn't able, due to the circumstances,
To come see you and tell you that I
Loved you before you left.
I guess this is my ode to you...
The only way I can say goodbye.
I won't be allowed at your services,
But I will be there in spirit.
Watching from the outside in...
There is one thing that showed
Just how much you were loved...
I watched your family. I saw
The way they loved you...
Very simply... I'd like to say that I love you.
You will be greatly missed.